Chatham Creative
Gen-Z led Copy and Grant Writing: let's work together!
Thanks for coming to my anti-website website. This is a very simple site, as you can tell. This is my online dwelling, I keep a lot of things here. This is where you can come if you want to pay me to complete a project, or if you are the type of person that enjoys poking through other people's things. Pretend I'm out of town and you're going through my bedside table.
For copywriting: It all begins with an idea. All too often that idea turns into platitudes and language easily clockable as ‘corporate’. Let me help you generate content that is informative yet vibrant. Chatham Creative handles on-brand copywriting and other creatives solutions, written in the coveted Gen-Z language. Please reach out to me – I would love to help you devise content that cuts through the noise.
For grant writing: I am a Senior Grant Writer for a national nonprofit. I've secured multiple six-figure gifts for the organization and manage reporting, prospecting, cultivation, and more. I am well-versed in what private foundations like to see from nonprofits, and bring my Gen-Z voice into my work in a way that resonates with funders. Please reach out to me – I would love to help you devise an authentic proposal that calls to funders (or manage other elements of your grants).
My email (preferred for inquiries) is: